Quarterly Spiritual Retreat
Wellness of Mind, Body & Spirit
July 23-24, 2021 at the Bethany House

NCBWL held its first overnight Spiritual Retreat at Bethany Retreat Center on July 23-24.
Entitled “Post-Covid Wellness of Mind, Body and Spirit,” it was facilitated by Donna Adams (NCBWL Spiritual Life Chair 2019-2021).
The purpose of the retreat was to analyze the psychological effects the pandemic on all of us, to explore the spiritual gifts of the quarantine, to honor those we had lost, and to find Catholic meaning in our lives going forward.
Teri Gordon (NCBWL President 2019-2021) presented on the topic of "Estate Planning” and focused on “Documentation you need to prepare for the finalization of your Estate”.
Father Joseph Mc Mahon presented the keynote religious speech, using as a basis Psalms 23 and 27, to relate his personal experience as a pastor during the pandemic, his staff experience, and the spiritual gifts we gained as a parish.
Father Michael O’Bryan, the Spiritual Director of NCBWL, celebrated Mass and Reconciliation for the 15 participants.
Member participants were: Cindy and Kari Zwickel, presenters of a Soul Core session, which uses movement to relate to the Rosary; Donna Adams (presenter); and Teri Gordon (presenter). Among the NCBWL member participants were Janine Moore, Diana Miller, Alma DelaGuardia, Karen McCoy, Rosemarie McMaster, Lauren Barca and Courtney Conklin.
For additional info about the retreat, contact Donna Adams.
GOAL: Reflect spiritually on the gifts of 2020 as we Catholics, individually and collectively, withstood the pandemic.