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What Role do you play in bringing Christ to others?

As you read the Gospels, you will see that there were several Marys who were devoted to Jesus, but Mary Magdalene is one of the most important women in the life of Jesus after his mother. In Luke, we read how Jesus healed her from the inside out.

"After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means."

You are probably familiar with the story of Mary Magdalene as she encountered Jesus and was healed. Her story brings hope and confidence in Jesus’ ability to heal ALL women from pains, struggles and wounds inflicted by others.

I can imagine Mary’s first encounter with Jesus. She may have felt hopeless and unworthy of love or healing. She may have been filled with doubt and despair that life could be any different, but when she encountered Jesus everything changed. She found healing for her body, her mind was renewed and her spirit was restored. Mary’s encounter with Christ transformed her into a new being. The same transformation is possible today as you walk in Mary’s footsteps to encounter Jesus. She was a devoted follower of Christ, she was present in his life and is known to be the first person to witness his Resurrection.

Devoted Follower of Christ

Mary recognized Jesus as the Messiah. After Jesus healed her, she showed her gratitude by sharing her time, talents and treasures with Christ. Mary turned away from her past and devoted her life to Jesus. She was willing to give up the “world” to follow Christ.

How do you show your devotion to Christ?

Do you share your time, talent and treasures with the church and those who are in need?

Present in the life of Christ

Mary’s faith was unwavering. She is referred to several times in Scripture as she traveled with Jesus. Mary was present for the healings, deliverances and miracles that Jesus performed each and every day. I imagine that each day she was more and more in awe of Jesus and the merciful love that he shared each time he encountered the broken, lost and forsaken. Mary was also present as Jesus carried the cross and was crucified. With a broken heart she never left the side of Jesus as he was taken off the cross and buried.

You can experience Jesus’ healings, deliverances and miracles just like Mary. As you read the Gospels, imagine where Mary was in the story and how it would have impacted her. Be present in the Scripture passages and allow yourself to receive all that Christ wants to heal, renew and restore in your life.

Witness of Christ

Mary is thought to have been the first one to actually see Jesus after the Resurrection. In the grief of losing her friend, she tearfully made her way to the tomb only to find it empty. In John we read,

Jesus said to her, 'Mary.'

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, 'Rabboni!' (which means 'Teacher').

Jesus said, 'Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ "

Mary gives us an insight into the life of Jesus. She encountered Jesus at a time in her life when she was weary and broken. Jesus healed Mary from the inside out. He pulled her out of the darkness and she began to shine as one of his most faithful disciples. She supported his ministry by giving all she had. After his death, Mary was so distraught at losing Jesus that she didn’t realize he was standing before her at the empty grave. Jesus gave Mary the task of going and sharing the Good News with everyone she encountered. It was her turn to share Jesus with those who were grieving, filled with doubt and who were broken.

Jesus is calling you to encounter the broken so that you can share his love with them. How could you be more intentional about sharing Jesus with others? Why do you hesitate sharing Christ with others? Are you afraid, do you worry about the right words to say, or do you think you’ll be rejected? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction. Like Mary, you are called to “go” and tell others about Jesus.

Jennie is a Catholic Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville Catholic Radio, Speaker and founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26 years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to serve in a new way. In her new ministry as a Catholic Life Coach, she now equips and encourages middle-life moms to reconnect with who they are and their unique God-given purpose so they can embrace midlife with joy and confidence.


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