The Holy Doors: Walking Through the Doors of Your Parish and into a Deeper Faith
In 2008, I was blessed to travel to Paris and visit the Notre Dame Cathedral. It was an experience that has remained with me all of these years. I remember walking through the Holy Doors into the church. It wasn’t just the beauty of the door that struck me, but what it represented—entering into a church with so much history. A place where people from all over the world had come to Mass and to visit the Blessed Sacrament for centuries. I have the same experience as I walk through the doors to my parish now. As I walk through the holy doors into the sanctuary, I am reminded of the generations of my family who have prayed in the same pews at Mass. I find so much comfort knowing that their prayers are at this moment being united with mine.
Walking through the holy doors of your church is an opportunity to leave behind the noise and chaos of the world. It is an opportunity to quiet your heart and so that you can find mercy, healing and grace. This is an invitation that you are given each time you walk through those doors.
Lent is a journey, and every step you take through the doors of your parish brings you closer to Christ.
Every time you walk into Confession, you are stepping through a door of mercy.
Every time you enter Mass, you are stepping through a door of a sacred encounter with Christ.
Every time you sit in Adoration, you are stepping through a door of trust and surrender.
You don’t have to travel to Rome to walk through a Holy Door to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope. You simply have to step through the doors God has already placed before you with intention knowing that God wants to give you everything you need in this life so that you can grow in holiness on your journey to Heaven.
This Lent, I encourage you to be intentional every time you enter your parish. Whisper a prayer as you walk through the doors. Let go of distractions. Open your heart and expect God to be present.
Because this season is not just about sacrifice—it’s about transformation.
And the door to that transformation? It’s always open and welcoming you with open arms.
Click here to hear my podcast with author Joan Watson on her book, "Opening the Holy Doors".
Jennie Guinn is a Catholic speaker, Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville Catholic Radio and Radio Maria USA, and the founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26 years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to serve in a new way. In her new ministry, she equips and encourages middle-life women to encounter the love of the Father and to be transformed and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit so they can MAGNIFY Christ in their corner of the world.
