The Archangels, Our Helpers
On September 29, the church celebrates the feast of the Archangels. This
is a day to stop and reflect on Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These
archangels are a powerful reminder of God’s presence and guidance in our
ordinary daily lives. Each archangel is a messenger of God and has a
unique way of helping us to grow in holiness.
St. Michael, who is known as the protector, gives much needed strength
and courage as we face the uncertainties of life. He is leading the charge
as we face trials in health, relationships, or spiritual battles. His example
encourages us to stand firm in our faith, knowing that we are not alone in
our struggles. Reciting the St. Michael's prayer after Mass always gives me
encouragement and determination to go back out into the world and live my
faith knowing that God is ever present and sending his angels to guard and
protect me each step along the way.
St. Gabriel is God’s messenger. He goes forth and speaks of God’s desires
and plans. He is known for appearing to Mary and sharing the words, “Do
not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will
conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.” St.
Gabriel appeared throughout the New and Old Testaments sharing God’s
plans for humanity. Similar to Mary and so many others, St. Gabriel will
offer divine guidance in each of our lives. He reminds us that God is always
guiding and directing us, we only have to open our hearts and minds to his
voice. God uses St. Gabriel to herald the good news and to spread hope in
times of trials and uncertainties.
St. Raphael is known as the healer. His name means “God heals.” St.
Raphael can provide a sense of peace and comfort in emotional, physical
and spiritual struggles. God desires for us to be healed and restored to
wholeness and he uses St. Raphael to go forth and share his healing
graces. He is the patron saint of travelers, the blind, bodily illness, happy
meetings, nurses, physicians, and medical workers.
These archangels are powerful intercessors and can be called on to carry
your prayers directly to Heaven. Here is the St. Michael prayer. It is a great
addition to the end of Mass or after your Rosary.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against
the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly
pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast
into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the
ruin of souls. Amen".
Jennie Guinn is a Catholic speaker, Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville
Catholic Radio and Radio Maria USA, and the founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26
years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to
serve in a new way. In her new ministry, she equips and encourages middle-life women to
encounter the love of the Father and to be transformed and healed by the power of the Holy
Spirit so they can MAGNIFY Christ in their corner of the world.