NCBWL awards three $12,000 scholarships to local schools
The Nashville Catholic Business Women's League awarded three $12,000 scholarships to Nashville's three Catholic high schools recently. The league works each year to raise money to provide the scholarships and this year was able to award the largest amount in its history to students at Father Ryan High School, Pope John Paul II High School and St. Cecilia Academy.
The scholarships, which are a centerpiece work for the league, were established 20 years ago. They are named for 1951 SCA graduate Aurelia Varallo Mariani who died in 1998. The League set up a memorial scholarship fund in her honor to support a deserving and financially needy student at St. Cecilia through all four years of her high school education. Since then, the scholarships have expanded to include one female Father Ryan student and one female student at JPII.
The scholarships are funded by the annual luncheon, auction and fashion show. Thanks to one of the most successful Pearls of Wisdom luncheon and auctions in 2017, the league was able to increase the scholarship amounts to help fund the Catholic education of three local high school girls. The next Pearls of Wisdom luncheon and auction is set for Sept. 15, 2018.

The NCBWL is a growing group with membership increasing. The League offers women a chance to network monthly with meetings and events. Next month, it is hosting its first Business Networking Expo. The event is April 18 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Fleming Center. Locally Catholic-owned businesses will have exhibits and giveaways for attendees. There will also be wine and appetizers. The public is invited to this free event. More information can be found at